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Implements the stub edge bundling by Nocaj and Brandes


  alpha = 11,
  beta = 75,
  gamma = 40,
  t = 0.5,
  tshift = 0.5



a graph object (igraph/tbl_graph). Does not support network objects


coordinates of vertices


maximal angle (in degree) between consecutive edges in a bundle


angle (in degree) at which to connect two stubs


maximal overall angle (in degree) of an edge bundle


numeric between 0 and 1. control point location


numeric between 0 and 1. The closer to one, the longer the bigger bundle


data.frame containing the bundled edges


see online for plotting tips


Nocaj, Arlind, and Ulrik Brandes. "Stub bundling and confluent spirals for geographic networks." International Symposium on Graph Drawing. Springer, Cham, 2013.


David Schoch


g <-, "undirected")

xy <- matrix(c(
    0, 0,
    cos(90 * pi / 180), sin(90 * pi / 180),
    cos(80 * pi / 180), sin(80 * pi / 180),
    cos(70 * pi / 180), sin(70 * pi / 180),
    cos(330 * pi / 180), sin(330 * pi / 180),
    cos(320 * pi / 180), sin(320 * pi / 180),
    cos(310 * pi / 180), sin(310 * pi / 180),
    cos(210 * pi / 180), sin(210 * pi / 180),
    cos(200 * pi / 180), sin(200 * pi / 180),
    cos(190 * pi / 180), sin(190 * pi / 180)
), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)

edge_bundle_stub(g, xy)
#>                x          y     index group
#> 1   0.000000e+00  0.0000000 0.0000000   1.1
#> 2   5.430910e-02  0.3080022 0.1428571   1.1
#> 3   1.086182e-01  0.6160044 0.2857143   1.1
#> 4   5.430910e-02  0.6205022 0.4285714   1.1
#> 5   6.123234e-17  1.0000000 0.5714286   1.2
#> 6   4.975128e-17  0.8125000 0.7142857   1.2
#> 7   3.827021e-17  0.6250000 0.8571429   1.2
#> 8   5.430910e-02  0.6205022 1.0000000   1.2
#> 9   0.000000e+00  0.0000000 0.0000000   2.1
#> 10  5.426506e-02  0.3077524 0.1428571   2.1
#> 11  1.085301e-01  0.6155048 0.2857143   2.1
#> 12  1.085301e-01  0.6155048 0.4285714   2.1
#> 13  1.736482e-01  0.9848078 0.5714286   2.2
#> 14  1.410891e-01  0.8001563 0.7142857   2.2
#> 15  1.085301e-01  0.6155048 0.8571429   2.2
#> 16  1.085301e-01  0.6155048 1.0000000   2.2
#> 17  0.000000e+00  0.0000000 0.0000000   3.1
#> 18  5.430910e-02  0.3080022 0.1428571   3.1
#> 19  1.086182e-01  0.6160044 0.2857143   3.1
#> 20  1.611904e-01  0.6016561 0.4285714   3.1
#> 21  3.420201e-01  0.9396926 0.5714286   3.2
#> 22  2.778914e-01  0.7635003 0.7142857   3.2
#> 23  2.137626e-01  0.5873079 0.8571429   3.2
#> 24  1.611904e-01  0.6016561 1.0000000   3.2
#> 25  0.000000e+00  0.0000000 0.0000000   4.1
#> 26  2.395832e-01 -0.2010342 0.1428571   4.1
#> 27  4.791663e-01 -0.4020683 0.2857143   4.1
#> 28  5.102161e-01 -0.3572842 0.4285714   4.1
#> 29  8.660254e-01 -0.5000000 0.5714286   4.2
#> 30  7.036456e-01 -0.4062500 0.7142857   4.2
#> 31  5.412659e-01 -0.3125000 0.8571429   4.2
#> 32  5.102161e-01 -0.3572842 1.0000000   4.2
#> 33  0.000000e+00  0.0000000 0.0000000   5.1
#> 34  2.393889e-01 -0.2008711 0.1428571   5.1
#> 35  4.787778e-01 -0.4017423 0.2857143   5.1
#> 36  4.787778e-01 -0.4017423 0.4285714   5.1
#> 37  7.660444e-01 -0.6427876 0.5714286   5.2
#> 38  6.224111e-01 -0.5222649 0.7142857   5.2
#> 39  4.787778e-01 -0.4017423 0.8571429   5.2
#> 40  4.787778e-01 -0.4017423 1.0000000   5.2
#> 41  0.000000e+00  0.0000000 0.0000000   6.1
#> 42  2.395832e-01 -0.2010342 0.1428571   6.1
#> 43  4.791663e-01 -0.4020683 0.2857143   6.1
#> 44  4.404543e-01 -0.4404230 0.4285714   6.1
#> 45  6.427876e-01 -0.7660444 0.5714286   6.2
#> 46  5.222649e-01 -0.6224111 0.7142857   6.2
#> 47  4.017423e-01 -0.4787778 0.8571429   6.2
#> 48  4.404543e-01 -0.4404230 1.0000000   6.2
#> 49  0.000000e+00  0.0000000 0.0000000   7.1
#> 50 -2.938923e-01 -0.1069680 0.1428571   7.1
#> 51 -5.877845e-01 -0.2139361 0.2857143   7.1
#> 52 -5.645252e-01 -0.2632180 0.4285714   7.1
#> 53 -8.660254e-01 -0.5000000 0.5714286   7.2
#> 54 -7.036456e-01 -0.4062500 0.7142857   7.2
#> 55 -5.412659e-01 -0.3125000 0.8571429   7.2
#> 56 -5.645252e-01 -0.2632180 1.0000000   7.2
#> 57  0.000000e+00  0.0000000 0.0000000   8.1
#> 58 -2.936539e-01 -0.1068813 0.1428571   8.1
#> 59 -5.873079e-01 -0.2137626 0.2857143   8.1
#> 60 -5.873079e-01 -0.2137626 0.4285714   8.1
#> 61 -9.396926e-01 -0.3420201 0.5714286   8.2
#> 62 -7.635003e-01 -0.2778914 0.7142857   8.2
#> 63 -5.873079e-01 -0.2137626 0.8571429   8.2
#> 64 -5.873079e-01 -0.2137626 1.0000000   8.2
#> 65  0.000000e+00  0.0000000 0.0000000   9.1
#> 66 -2.938923e-01 -0.1069680 0.1428571   9.1
#> 67 -5.877845e-01 -0.2139361 0.2857143   9.1
#> 68 -6.016447e-01 -0.1612331 0.4285714   9.1
#> 69 -9.848078e-01 -0.1736482 0.5714286   9.2
#> 70 -8.001563e-01 -0.1410891 0.7142857   9.2
#> 71 -6.155048e-01 -0.1085301 0.8571429   9.2
#> 72 -6.016447e-01 -0.1612331 1.0000000   9.2
# use ggforce::geom_bezier for plotting