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networkdata 0.2.1

  • added cosponsorship network

networkdata 0.2.0

  • updated graphs according to new igraph release

networkdata 0.1.15

  • added network names for sampson dataset (#10)

networkdata 0.1.14

  • added knecht dataset

networkdata 0.1.13

  • updated wta and atp until season 2021
  • added coleman_friends

networkdata 0.1.12

  • added core_graph

networkdata 0.1.11

  • added football_triad
  • added clique_graph

networkdata 0.1.10

  • fixed names of Florentine Families

networkdata 0.1.9

  • fixed error in ffe_* data (Freeman’s page is down, so the new version comes from here)

networkdata 0.1.8

  • added s50

networkdata 0.1.7

  • fixed typo in movie_439

networkdata 0.1.6

fixed error in southern_women

networkdata 0.1.5

  • added starwars networks
  • removed show_networks()

networkdata 0.1.4

  • fixed list issue in animal_34
  • fixed genders in crime (#5)

networkdata 0.1.3

  • fixed name mapping in florentine families dataset.

networkdata 0.1.2

  • some movie data was wrongly mapped. should be fixed now.

networkdata 0.1.1

  • show_networks() was returning a tibble which requires additional dependencies. The function now returns a data.frame

networkdata 0.1.0

  • Added a file to track changes to the package.