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The data comes from a Czech media database called Newton Media Search and involves all major Czech newspapers for the period from 4th June 2013 to 4th June 2014. Actors are: Jana Nagyová, Petr Nečas – former prime minister and his office chief and love affair. Ivan Fuksa, Petr Tluchoř, Marek Šnajdr – deputies of ODS (conservative governing party at that time) Ondrej Páleník, Roman Boček, Jan Pohůnek, Milan Kovanda, Lubomír Poul, Libor Grygárek – high government officials and espionage agents Ivo Rittig, Roman Janoušek, Václav Ryba, Tomáš Hrdlička, Jiří Toman – eminences gris, "godfathers" DATA FORMATS: UCINET, .csv 1-mode matrix 16 x 16 person by person. The ties are co-appearances – every time an actor was mentioned in one article together with any other actor, it is considered to be a tie. Ties are valued on am 11 point scale, where 10 is the strongest tie (Nagyova – Necas). All other ties were transformed by dividing the total number of co-appearances between the two actors by the value of the strongest tie, which gave the percent of the maximal tie. This percentage was then assigned an integer value from range 0 - 9 according to which tenth of percents this particular value falls into. Example: The Fuksa - Nagyova tie reaching 50% of the strongest tie value was assigned a value of 5. The Nagyova - Ryba tie reaching 3% of the max value was assigned zero etc.




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Data from Tomas Diviák, Available from Manchester (